Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of a Chapter.

As I find myself sick on a Sunday, sad to see the thunderstorm go, it occurred to me that I'm still coming down from all this school stuff. Tomorrow is Monday, and I guess I will begin my for-real job search. But for as long as Sunday is here, I shall maintain student status.

Over the past year, my creative juices have been poured almost exclusively into my school projects. I have to admit, while it was stressful at times, it was great to finally use my creativity for something that will ultimately take me somewhere in life (I hope).

I'm particularly proud of the way one of my projects (a guide to thrifting) turned out. It was probably the most fun of all my independent projects... I got to write and design a book about one of my favourite subjects! I browsed my favourite thrift, vintage, and antique stores for ideas, and a few of them actually let me take photos to use in my project.

It has been a long time since I posted anything to my flickr account, or any of my own work to this blog... but it suddenly occurred to me that some of the photos I took (and edited using Poladroid) and used in my project are some of my best work to date! So here are a few of my favourites.

You know how when you finish reading a book that you really love, and you end up re-reading the last page a thousand times and then just laying there dreaming about that world, pondering the characters, reliving the adventure in your mind, trying to grasp what it all meant? That's what today is for.

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